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Creating Text Effects trick ES Burned

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photoshop layer masking

In the last post I made a fire text effect, at this time I will discuss that is not much different, but the difference there is the addition of ice text effect, let us practice together.

1.Now you create a new document File> New Fill Height: 650 Height: 550 pixels, and typing the text, at this time I demonstrated ICE FIRE.

2.Apply Layer> Layer Styles> Blending Options with the settings as below:

 Stroke (color-> # 6fbdf3)

Gradient Overlay (color-> #c8dbea)

photoshop layer masking

Color Overlay (color-> #9ad6df)

photoshop layer masking

Satin (color-> #a6d5f5)

photoshop layer masking

Bevel and Emboss (color-> #76c0de)

photoshop layer masking


photoshop layer masking


photoshop layer masking

3.Apply Filter> Stylize> Wind with the following settings: Method-> Wind, Direction -> From the Right.

4.Create a new layer then fill the background black in color pallet photoshop layer maskingpress Ctrl + delete to enter the color, then you create a new layer and write the same text "Ice Fire", White paper background. So that the position of the layer appears as below:

photoshop layer masking

Then Apply Layer> Mergedown / Ctrl E, the position of the layer the new ICE On Fire above and it will turn into layer 1.

5. Apply Filter> Stylize> Wind with the following settings: Method-> Wind, Direction -> From the Right. Then the following Apply Image> Rotate Canvas> 90 CCW. Apply Filter -> Stylize -> Wind two times with the following settings: Method -> Wind, Direction -> From the Right. Then aply image> Rotate Canvas> 90 CW. Also apply Filter> Distort> Ripple 100%> after that you'll get results like below.

photoshop layer masking

6.Apply Hue / Saturation by pressing Ctrl + U from your keyboard, then input the settings as below:

photoshop layer masking

Do not forget to tick the Colorize on.

7. Copy the Layer 1 and Apply right following settings:

photoshop layer masking

8.In the "Layer 1 copy" change the blending mode to Dodge Cikir, press Ctrl + E to merge Layer 1 and Layer 1 copy.

photoshop layer masking

The result will be as below:

photoshop layer masking

9.Then you Set Layer Position For Ice earlier writings in the top position, by dragging the Layer "Ice on Fire" to the up position.

photoshop layer masking

10.Then you combine all the layers by pressing Ctrl + Shift + E, and the results are as below:

photoshop layer masking

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The whole criticism and your suggestions we would expect